Trust. Many relate it to so many metaphors Trust is like a rubber, it gets smaller and smaller (after every mistake). I do not trust everybody. Even sometimes, I doubt my parents. Because we are all human beings, each one of us has possibilities to break promises, to lie, to tell our secrets to other person(s),etc- anything else that can make one to be not trusted anymore. It happens, always. In school we’ve done this before. “You’re the only person that I tell this story to. Don’t tell anyone else, it’s between us.” Alas! The whole class knows. Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker's reflection. We doubt everyone, don’t we? That’s why we set up passwords on our phones, laptops and such. Worse, some of us even install an app which we can set up passwords for each application in our phones! Ridiculous! You hate it so much when your own sibling(s) go into your room durin...
Showing posts from 2015
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What would you feel, when you receive a phone call from your mother, who's in hysterics, telling you in rasped breaths that your sister, which was healthy and happy just two days before you last met her is now in fact, dead? Shock and denial were what i initially felt. "Bonda cakap betul betul, jangan main main!" "Betul long, angah dah takde!" Immediately after that, i felt as if i was suffocating. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't comprehend the news. Tak mungkin agun dah takde. She's my sister, it's impossible. Selalunya kalau balik, mesti semua tunggu kaklong balik. But who knew there would come a day where I had to come back home to my sister's death. Selama ni baca tentang kematian, aku fikir if it was to happen to me, aku akan kuat. Tetapi ya Allah, engkau sahaja tahu apa yang aku rasa ketika itu. Naik komuter alone, crying all the way from Nilai to Seremban, and hailed a taxi straight to the hospital to be met with the im...
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Menuju Falah Tatkala kita bicara tentang kebahagiaan, rata-rata akan berkata, saya hanya akan bahagia kalau... Persoalannya, kenapa kebahagiaan yang kita inginkan perlu bersyarat? Personally I myself have this habit. I thought i would have to achieve or own something in order to be happy. You guys feel me, kan? So, saya, Miss Nugget Fingers harini nak cuba menjadi agen perubahan insan (poyo je) and help you find the happiness that you've been seeking. *cheeky smile* Kita sebenarnya should be happy despite the condition of our surroundings, because ladies and gentlemen, kita ada Islam, Iman, Ikhsan dan berasa yang Allah sentiasa ada dengan kita. And we should be happy untuk segala nikmat yang Allah berikan tak kira korang ni muslim, mukmin or even kafir! Subhanallah. Jadi, senang cerita orang yang tak bahagia ni sebenarnya tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah. "Aku bersyukur je, tapi ..." HA! Tu kawan-kawan sebenarnya menunjukkan yang kita ni tak cukup ikhlas da...
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əˈfekSH(ə)n Signing in to Quora to search about mum (mother's day esok woi) And most of them were not about mothers (something I upset of), But I stumble upon a Question; How would you express love? The definition to action speaks louder than words. Proclaiming to the whole world you love somebody, is just never enough. Proof it. //Bonus adds on to da topic of əˈfekSH(ə)n Q; The best/ worst answer to I love You 1. 2. Y: I love you X: Aww. You remind me of my late grandmother. She used to say the same {grandson-zoned} 3. X: I LOVE YOU!!! Y: Well.......................who doesn't? ps: spread the love. pps: Sayang Allah & Rasulullah seharusnya didahulukan. happy mother;s day (although this post is not so daughter-aprreciation post towards ma madre)
Pabila hati mula gusar...
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Pabila hati mula gusar Assalammualaikum. Hi. So i've done a lot of thinking lately. Thoughts like my future and what's in store for me. Whether or not i'll be sponsored to further my studies. Will my dreams of studying abroad come true? Insecurities and uncertainties certainly didn't help me find peace. Waiting for results and news only intensifies my anxieties. What with seeing my peers being 5 steps ahead of me, some with offers and whatnot. While i, hadn't even gotten so much as anything. Nothing. As i the likelihood of not receiving any kind of offers comes crashing down on me, i felt panic building inside me. Tertiary education is expensive, how ever would my parents find the resources to fund me? Macam mana kalau kena masuk matriks? Not that i'm against it or anything but never once had i considered it. Though i strongly deny it but deep down i was getting a little envious with what my friends are achieving. It was subtle but the twinge of j...